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Re: SRP in OpenSSH draft protocol spec

RJ Atkinson wrote:
> At 20:08 02/04/01, Tom Wu wrote:
> >>         In particular, you have noted that Stanford holds
> >> the patent on SRP, so you aren't the patent holder yourself.
> >> Entrust is in fact the patent holder for CAST.
> >
> >But the IPR statement is not from Entrust, it is from the inventor,
> >Carlisle Adams.
>         Using an Entrust email address and having represented
> himself as authorised to speak for Entrust officially at
> an IETF not the same.

But it is precisely the same.  There's still no legally-binding document
to cite in court, which is presumably what you're objecting to, just a
clear statement from the inventor on behalf of the organization he did
the work for.
I suppose you didn't notice that the SRP IPR notice was received from
Stanford, either.  Why the double-standard?

> Ran

Tom Wu
Principal Software Engineer
Arcot Systems
(408) 969-6124
"The Borg?  Sounds Swedish..."

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