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RE: availability of specifications

> > Why has the whitespace formatting of the various drafts
> > changed between versions, making diff tools useless?
> wdiff works fine.

Thanks, actually I noticed that in the archives, but I thought it was a
reasonable argument nevertheless.

Now that I'm speaking, I think there's one other major problem with SSH2.
With so many implementations out there, the specification should now be
done. Over. Completed. Right now, we should be working on SSH 2.1, not SSH
2.0. That would be the right approach, and it would solve many problems that
we are now encountering. The way it is right now, we have a deployed
standard and yet we're trying to hack it with improvements and new request
types.  We're trying to have it both ways.

Such behavior seems irresponsible to me.

I don't know about you, but if it were up to me, I would be pushing to make
SSH2 official as it stands in current implementations, ASAP. The very fact
that widely deployed implementations already exist is a violation of the
standardization process. I think we need to fix that situation, not make it
worse by continuing to tinker with the 2.0 version of the protocol.

I think we need to seal version 2.0 as it is and then proceed with 2.1.

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