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Re: availability of specifications

>Why has the transport draft not been updated on the IETF website? Rather,

Because it missed the cut off by 5 minutes before the last IETF meeting
and I as the editor haven't yet had time to resubmit it with the changes
requested on the list.

>one has to dig through the mailing list archives to retrieve the latest
>version. Is it impossible to have the folks at IETF make an exception and
>accept a belated update?

yes it is impossible to get the IETF people to accept a submission that
hit 5 minutes after the cut off time.

People do this in their "spare" time don't complain unless you are willing
to standup be counted and do a better job.

>Why has the whitespace formatting of the various drafts changed between
>versions, making diff tools useless? To make the documents prettier, or to
>confuse outsiders? I can accept that everyone has the best of intentions,
>but the side effect of such decisions is confusion. Is that what a standards
>body is supposed to be for?

It changed because the document editor changed and I don't have the tools
available that the previous editor did so I had to spend about 10 hrs
converting them to a tool I did have, it was very very painful.

>Worst of all, why has the SFTP specification become unavailable? I try to
>, and I

Because it has expired and nobody cared to update it.

IMO that is fine because I don't personally like the protocol anyway, this
issue has been raised by my self and others on the list if you read the

>get "Unrevised documents placed in the Internet-Drafts directories have a
>maximum life of six months. After that time, they are deleted." There are
>working SFTP implementations out there. It's supposed to be an open
>standard. How can the specification just disappear? The message such
>carelessness conveys is: "If you weren't with us when the SFTP specification
>was still available, don't bother. We don't care for newbies." Is that what
>everyone here is trying to say?

No, you seem to have a miss understanding of how the IETF works I suggest
you go and read all the RFCs and docs on the IETF site about how working
groups and drafts work before complaining.

>I think that, at minimum, someone should put the SFTP specification back

Someone needs to take ownership of it and update the draft and resubmit it
so it is valid for another 6months.

Darren J Moffat

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