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Re: Large lang tag lists (was Re: Speaking of implementation quirks...)

On Fri, Apr 02, 2004 at 12:34:28PM -0500, der Mouse wrote:
> > At least for the initial key exchange I think that we need to mandate
> > that implementions be able to deal with large packets; after the
> > initial kex there's no need, I think, to have a large packet support
> > requirement.
> Also note that "deal with" can mean "recognize that no kex packet that
> can lead this implementation to a successful exchange can be over (say)
> 2000 bytes, so, if it's larger, read and ignore it in many small pieces
> and fail the protocol".
> This means permitting an implementation to fail kex just because the
> other side offers (eg) too many languages.  I'd have to read the spec
> carefully to be sure whether there's enough latitude there for that at
> present....

I was thinking of how servers respond to incorrect optimistic selection
of first kex packets that are too large.


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