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Re: Large lang tag lists (was Re: Speaking of implementation quirks...)

der Mouse <mouse%Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA@localhost> writes:

> This means permitting an implementation to fail kex just because the
> other side offers (eg) too many languages.  I'd have to read the spec
> carefully to be sure whether there's enough latitude there for that at
> present....

I'm pretty sure the spec doesn't allow such behaviour. What you could
do is to parse the large KEXINIT packet incrementally, so you can
ignore large language lists without ever storing the full list.

Similarly, you MUST be able to read and ignore DEBUG and IGNORE
messages of size up to 32K.

(My current code imposes the arbitrary limit of 47 elements on all
lists in the KEXINIT message. I realize that I have to make that more


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