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Re: query about draft-ietf-secsh-connect-19.txt

Chris Lonvick wrote:

On Sat, 18 Sep 2004, denis bider wrote:

It appears that some changes need to be made to [connect].


2) Make a decision that [connect] must either
 a) mandate that replies to channel requests MUST be in order, or
 b) change the protocol to have the responses identify the channel.
I'm betting that this group will opt for (a).  If so, could
someone please propose some text.

Beg pardon?

Responses do identify the channel.

    uint32    recipient_channel
    uint32    recipient_channel

[CONNECT] should mandate that replies to channel requests need not be in order
overall, but must be in order for each channel. Replies to global requests must
be in order overall.

OK.  I've added text to the bottom of Section 4 "Global Requests" as

   In general, the reply messages do not include request type
   identifiers.  To make it possible for the originator of a request to
   identify to which request each reply refers, it is REQUIRED that
   replies to SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUESTS MUST be sent in the same order as
   the corresponding request messages.  For channel requests, replies
   that relate to the same channel MUST also be replied to in the right
   order.  However, channel requests for distinct channels MAY be
   replied to out-of-order.

Is this acceptable?

This sounds good to me.

- Joseph

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