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Re: SSH implementaion - using MSCAPI Vs JCE

Anandha S Srinivasan <> writes:

>We are in the early stages of implementing SSH support for our terminal
>emulation product (MS Windows based). I would like to see some information on
>whether using JCE Vs MSCAPI interfaces will give any advantage with respect to
>development of SSH (actually SSH2).

I can't see that either would give any advantage, all you'll be using is very
low-level stuff like RSA, 3DES, DH (actually I'm not sure how widely DH is
supported in deployed CryptoAPI CSPs, that may be a point against it).  So
it's really a case of do you want to be tied to Microsoft Windows or tied to

(It'd probably be easier to just grab OpenSSH, Putty, cryptlib (ahem :-),
 wodSSH, or some other code base that does SSH for you, rather than building
 everything yourself from scratch.  Adding glue code to call your favourite
 crypto algorithm library, whether it's JCE or CAPI, is about 0.01% of the
 total work involved).


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