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Re: Secure Shell WG: what's left?

>>> draft-ietf-secsh-agent-02    (Expired)
>>> 	I'm prepared to write this one off for lack of interest.
>> ...??  Am I really the only implementor who bothers to do agent
>> forwarding?!
> Of course not.  Other implementors (inc. OpenSSH and PuTTY) just run
> a protocol very similar to that used by ssh-1.2.x over a channel.

I see.  I guess I tend not to consider undocumented protocols as worth
considering.  Perhaps it's just me, but I've never been much good at
implementing undocumented protocols.

> It makes more sense to just to document this,

If it's sound, that may be the most sensible thing to do.

Out of curiosity, does it suffer from the same bugs as the existing
agent draft (notably, assuming that it's running over IP)?

> Even if we were to ship a new agent protocol based on the
> aforementioned draft in OpenSSH tomorrow, it would be several years
> before is was as widely used as the current one.

Are we in any hurry?

I also can't see any reason an implementation couldn't support both,
perhaps with a slight tweak to the more recent draft if, as it implies,
the old protocol uses the same channel type string as agent-02.  (I
already have to use private versions of the requests to make agent
forwarding work with connection sharing....)

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