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Re: Eyeballs needed.

In article <> you write:
>Quoting attached message, Ben Harris wrote (14 June):
>| The following entries in the Public Key Algorithm Names table shouldn't
>| have been mentioned in draft-ietf-secsh-assignednumbers-12, since they're
>| not mentioned in draft-ietf-secsh-transport-24:
>| pgp-sign-rsa                     [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.6]
>| pgp-sign-dss                     [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.6]
>This statement doesn't appear to be true. The copy of transport-24 I
>have mentions "pgp-sign-rsa" and "pgp-sign-dss" (as does every version
>since at least -09).

This seems to have been a mistake on my part.  The message I actually sent
to IANA got it right:

| The following entries in the Public Key Algorithm Names table shouldn't have
| been mentioned in draft-ietf-secsh-assignednumbers-12, since they're not
| mentioned in draft-ietf-secsh-transport-24:
| spki-sign-rsa                    [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.6]
| spki-sign-dss                    [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.6]

This seems to have been addressed already.

Ben Harris

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