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Re: Formal consultation prior to closing the secsh working group

>>>>> "Jon" == Jon Bright <> writes:

    Jon> Whilst I'm in agreement with regard to your mail, I would
    Jon> like to get my shepherding of the Publickey Subsystem
    Jon> finished before the WG goes away. It's been through last call
    Jon> here, it's been to the RFC editor, it just hasn't been
    Jon> published.  I've attached my message from 15th July. Perhaps
    Jon> you can give me a pointer about what I need to do to get it
    Jon> published?

This draft was never submitted to the IESG for publication.  The first
step is to submit a new version so it is no longer expired.
The next step is to work out with Bill what he thinks the status is.

If the WG closes and you do not reach agreement with Bill on how to
handle things before then, you can submit for publication as an
individual submission.

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