Index of pkgsrc-users for March, 2021

Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-02-28 02:04 to 2021-02-28 23:13
J. Lewis MuirRe: [macOS] build multimedia/mpv and run devel/meld
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-02-28 23:13 to 2021-03-01 14:07
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-01 14:07 to 2021-03-02 04:57
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-02 04:57 to 2021-03-02 22:41
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-02 22:41 to 2021-03-04 15:08
Havard EidnesPackage binaries for NetBSD/powerpc pkgsrc-2020Q4
Jay Patelksysguard changes
Julien SavardGet pkgin binary package pkgsrc version
Jay PatelRe: ksysguard changes
Greg TroxelRe: Get pkgin binary package pkgsrc version
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-04 15:08 to 2021-03-06 12:43
Takahiro Kambephp80 package: PHP 8.0.3 was added to pkgsrc
Takahiro KambeRe: Remove of some Ruby packages
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-06 12:43 to 2021-03-08 02:16
Jaap BoenderOCaml 4.12.0
Stephen Borrillmath/blas on netbsd-7
Greg TroxelRe: math/blas on netbsd-7
niaRe: math/blas on netbsd-7
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-08 02:16 to 2021-03-09 21:39
Stephen BorrillRe: math/blas on netbsd-7
Jonathan PerkinHow is apache-ant supposed to work?
David BrownleeRe: How is apache-ant supposed to work?
Ryo ONODERARe: How is apache-ant supposed to work?
Jonathan PerkinRe: How is apache-ant supposed to work?
Jonathan PerkinRe: How is apache-ant supposed to work?
Ryo ONODERARe: How is apache-ant supposed to work?
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-09 21:39 to 2021-03-11 21:14
Jonathan PerkinRe: How is apache-ant supposed to work?
Jonathan PerkinRe: How is apache-ant supposed to work?
Ryo ONODERARe: How is apache-ant supposed to work?
IzaacRe: How is apache-ant supposed to work?
Ryo ONODERARe: How is apache-ant supposed to work?
Greg Troxeliperf status
Ryo ONODERARe: pkgsrc bootstrap fails on HaikuOS
Ryo ONODERARe: pkgsrc bootstrap fails on HaikuOS
niaRe: iperf status
J. Lewis MuirRe: iperf status
Greg TroxelRe: iperf status
Ryo ONODERARe: How to have build system type and host system type as expected?
Jonathan A. KollaschRe: iperf status
Greg TroxelRe: iperf status
Thomas KlausnerRe: CVS commit: pkgsrc/emulators/qemu
Reinoud ZandijkRe: CVS commit: pkgsrc/emulators/qemu
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-11 21:14 to 2021-03-14 13:58
Thomas KlausnerRe: CVS commit: pkgsrc/emulators/qemu
Ryo ONODERApkgsrc/lang/mono and network access
Stephen BorrillRe: math/blas on netbsd-7
Greg TroxelRe: math/blas on netbsd-7
Chavdar IvanovRe: pkgsrc/lang/mono and network access
Thomas Klausnerenable icu support by default in libxml2
Thomas Klausnerpkgsrc freeze for 2021Q1
AdamPython packages to remove
Greg TroxelRe: enable icu support by default in libxml2
Greg TroxelRe: Python packages to remove
Ryo ONODERARe: pkgsrc/lang/mono and network access
Izumi TsutsuiRe: enable icu support by default in libxml2
Greg TroxelRe: enable icu support by default in libxml2
Peter LaiRe: enable icu support by default in libxml2
Greg TroxelRe: enable icu support by default in libxml2
Martin HusemannRe: enable icu support by default in libxml2
Thomas KlausnerRe: enable icu support by default in libxml2
Izumi TsutsuiRe: enable icu support by default in libxml2
Martin HusemannRe: enable icu support by default in libxml2
Thomas KlausnerRe: enable icu support by default in libxml2
Peter LaiHow to use fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities (says pkg is vulnerable when it's not supposed to be)
Leonardo TaccariRe: How to use fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities (says pkg is vulnerable when it's not supposed to be)
Bob Bernsteinseamonkey
niaRe: enable icu support by default in libxml2
niaRe: seamonkey
Bob Bernsteinseamonkey
Chavdar IvanovRe: seamonkey
Bob BernsteinRe: seamonkey
Sebastian Pippinguriparser 0.9.5 released
Greg TroxelRe: Time to update x11/xsnow?
Marc BaudoinRe: Time to update x11/xsnow?
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-14 13:58 to 2021-03-18 21:42
Marc BaudoinRe: Time to update x11/xsnow?
Ottavio Carusoemulators/qemu fails at install stage [Debian/Buster]
Ottavio CarusoRe: emulators/qemu fails at install stage [Debian/Buster]
Jason BaconDirectory name collision in wip
Greg TroxelRe: Directory name collision in wip
Santhosh RajuRe: Directory name collision in wip
Greg TroxelRe: Directory name collision in wip
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-18 21:42 to 2021-03-20 16:45
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-20 16:45 to 2021-03-21 15:25
Thomas Klausnerpkgsrc freeze for 2021Q1 is ON
niaRe: pkgsrc freeze for 2021Q1 is ON
J. Lewis MuirRe: seamonkey
John D. BakerAdd pam-pwauth_suid dependency to xlockmore?
Bob BernsteinRe: seamonkey
Benny SiegertRe: seamonkey
Thomas KlausnerRe: Add pam-pwauth_suid dependency to xlockmore?
Re: Time to update x11/xsnow?
John D. BakerRe: Add pam-pwauth_suid dependency to xlockmore?
Thomas KlausnerRe: pkgsrc freeze for 2021Q1 is ON
Benny SiegertRe: pkgsrc freeze for 2021Q1 is ON
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-21 15:25 to 2021-03-22 11:16
Ottavio CarusoSolved, was: How do I make whatis/apropos read entries from custom man pages?
John D. Bakernew glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Thomas KlausnerRe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Martin HusemannRe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Thomas KlausnerRe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Martin HusemannRe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Jonathan PerkinRe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Thomas KlausnerRe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Jonathan PerkinRe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Patrick WelcheRe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
John D. BakerRe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-22 11:16 to 2021-03-23 05:13
Thomas KlausnerRe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Thomas KlausnerRe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Ryo ONODERARe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Mark DaviesRe: Plasma without kwin
Matthias PetermannUsing a USB MIDI controller as input for LMMS
niaRe: Using a USB MIDI controller as input for LMMS
Jonathan PerkinRe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Matthias PetermannRe: Using a USB MIDI controller as input for LMMS
niaRe: Using a USB MIDI controller as input for LMMS
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-23 05:13 to 2021-03-25 08:06
Jay PatelPlasma without kwin
Sebastian PippingExpat 2.3.0 has been released
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-25 08:06 to 2021-03-25 22:55
Chavdar Ivanovsysutils/macchina
=?UTF-8?B?RGFuIEPDrnJuYcib?=GNOME40 in WIP
voidpinRe: sysutils/macchina
Chavdar IvanovRe: sysutils/macchina
voidpinRe: sysutils/macchina
Thomas Klausnerdconf/dbus: Unable to load /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-25 22:55 to 2021-03-26 04:20
=?UTF-8?B?RGFuIEPDrnJuYcib?=Re: dconf/dbus: Unable to load /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
Thomas KlausnerRe: dconf/dbus: Unable to load /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
RVPRe: Epson M200 on NetBSD
Dmitrii PostolovFwd: Epson M200 on NetBSD
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-26 04:20 to 2021-03-27 13:55
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-27 13:55 to 2021-03-28 01:12
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-28 01:12 to 2021-03-28 06:10
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-28 06:10 to 2021-03-28 14:15
Kinoshita Daisukeabout "www/firefox"
Thomas KlausnerRe: about "www/firefox"
Benny SiegertRe: textproc/nanogrep
voidpinRe: textproc/nanogrep
Greg TroxelRe: about "www/firefox"
niaRe: about "www/firefox"
Bob BernsteinRe: textproc/nanogrep
voidpinRe: textproc/nanogrep
Thomas KlausnerRe: pkgsrc freeze for 2021Q1 is ON
Thomas Klausnerpkgsrc-2021Q1 branch announcement
Chavdar IvanovRe: textproc/nanogrep
Kinoshita DaisukeRe: about "www/firefox"
Kinoshita DaisukeRe: about "www/firefox"
=?UTF-8?B?RGFuIEPDrnJuYcib?=Re: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Thomas KlausnerRe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
AdamRe: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
=?UTF-8?B?RGFuIEPDrnJuYcib?=Re: new glib2 c++ template errors in inkscape,gegl,wireshark
Greg TroxelRe: about "www/firefox"
=?UTF-8?B?RGFuIEPDrnJuYcib?=Re: dconf/dbus: Unable to load /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
Thomas KlausnerRe: dconf/dbus: Unable to load /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
=?UTF-8?B?RGFuIEPDrnJuYcib?=Re: dconf/dbus: Unable to load /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2021-03-28 14:15 to 2021-03-29 11:24
AlPerpetual loop
niaRe: Perpetual loop
Jonathan PerkinRe: Perpetual loop
niaRe: Perpetual loop
Greg TroxelRe: Perpetual loop
niaRe: Perpetual loop
Boyd Lynn GerberRe: Perpetual loop
Greg TroxelRe: Perpetual loop
Greg Troxelnextcloud, uids, permissions
Ryo ONODERARe: nextcloud, uids, permissions