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WIP packages feedback: enlightenment and friends


A few weeks ago I updated wip/efl and wip/enlightenment-current to the latest available. I've built both on NetBSD and Linux, and am currently running it on older laptop with NetBSD 10.  

I also imported wip/enlightenment-desktop, which pulls in the above two packages, but also adds a few other "enlightenment related packages" that could be considered part of a "desktop":
wip/ecrire            # text editor
wip/ephoto         # image viewer
wip/rage             # video player
wip/terminology # terminal

Two other packages need a bit more work
wip/evisum      # process viewer, requires OS specific code.
wip/extra          # theme manager - To Be Added to pkgsrc, doesn't do anything yet for me.

If folks are interested / able, I'd appreciate feedback on any / all of the above.  I believe wip/efl and wip/enlightenment-current could eventually replace x11/enlightenment and many of the other enlightenment-related libraries scattered around pkgsrc (evas/eet/efreet,edje,eet, and others).




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