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Re: ham/dpbox trying to build this unstripped, no joy

> On Jun 18, 2024, at 5:37 PM, Chris Maness <> wrote:
> Ok, tried setting the environment variables and also removed -s in
> Makefile.netbsd then did,
> make >> output.txt
> make install >> output.txt, and still no joy.
> The contents of output.txt:
> bash-5.2# cat output.txt


> gcc -s filesys.o box.o box_mem.o box_send.o box_sf.o box_sub.o
> box_sys.o boxdbox.o boxbcm.o box_tim.o boxglobl.o boxlocal.o
> box_inou.o box_serv.o boxbcast.o boxfserv.o yapp.o crc.o huffman.o
> pastrix.o sort.o box_file.o tools.o status.o shell.o init.o linpack.o
> main.o box_init.o box_garb.o box_logs.o box_wp.o box_rout.o box_scan.o
> md2md5.o -lm -o dpbox

It looks like it's getting stripped here because of the -s option on the linking step.

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