* On 2024-06-18 at 05:59 BST, George Georgalis wrote:
>primary requirements:
>24 bit color
>copy on select (mouse/trackpad)
>minimal, security first design (no built in networking)
>Mac compatible
I too gave up on iTerm a while back, before the AI nonsense. I recently
looked at WezTerm which I think supports all of these requirements, but
unfortunately it uses Linux font libraries and so to my eyes looks
absolutely terrible.
It's not (yet) in pkgsrc.
For now I'm sticking with Terminal.app. The only thing it's missing for
my needs is 24-bit colour support.
Thanks for all the replies... prior to this inquiry I discussed my security
concerns with the iTerm2 author, offline. I was shocked at the rationale,
philosophy, and general security disposition. My concern was that even
if the app were bug free, integrating AI into a terminal emulator is so
unconventional that it creates what I'll call an insurmountable risk. The
response was it can be disabled by the user or administrator, end of risk.
I suggested that the bar might be lowered for social engineering threats,
and that was dismissed as, if the attacker can manipulate the user, it is
game over. After confirming this position I gave up talking to the author.
Today, I'm reading about a rise in social engineering attacks, "Crafty criminals are targeting thousands of orgs around the world in
social-engineering attacks that use phony error messages to trick users
into running malicious PowerShell scripts."
So, looking for a new terminal, there is another requirement I didn't
mention, it should do one thing and do it well. That means no networking!
Almost every terminal I looked at supports ssh. Instead of using local
ssh, the libs are built into the terminal? That makes no sense to me.
And, this thread reminded me how important mac metal is (font rendering).
I decided to look into forking (exporting) iTerm2 at v3.4.23 since
I basically trust that version, I figured it would be easy to keep the features
I want, and strip out everything else. What I found was frightening.
i have not tried to build yet but it is unlikely I'll get it organized where
I'm happy with it. Fortunately, someone else has already done that!
That seems the win, for Mac anyway. WezTerm seems my best
option elsewhere, if not xterm.