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Re: terminal emulator

On Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 2:37 AM <> wrote:
On Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 10:53:46AM -0700, George Georgalis wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 12:08?PM Greg A. Woods <> wrote:
> > I'm still confused....  What's wrong with using Terminal for the mac?
> You say it's missing 24-bit colour support?  But what for?  How can you
> need more than 256 colours in a terminal?  Xterm has the same limit.

Having a "palette" of 256 colours doesn't mean that the colors are
8bits based (3x3x2 generally). You can perfectly have only 256 colors,
chosen by an index in the [0,255] range, but each entry is defined by a
16bits value, a 24 bits value, a 32 bits value (8x8x8 + transparency)

It's quite possible my old .Xdefaults file only mapped some 24-bit colors
to a smaller usable space... anyway I found this cool pallet tool linked in the file...

wellup, it seems my Therm setup is not working after all, at first I didn't notice, but 'fast' cli output,
like ls or cat, only fills a small portion in the lower left corner of the window... more details here

anyway, I decided it would be good to keep maintaining 216-color space themes and
used AI to generate these various swatches of the space.
awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<6;i++){for(j=0;j<6;j++){for(k=0;k<6;k++){c=16+36*i+6*j+k;printf("\033[48;5;%dm\033[%dm%4d\033[0m",c,k<2?97:30,c)}printf("")}print""}}'
awk 'BEGIN{for(t=0;t<6;t++){for(y=0;y<6;y++){for(x=0;x<6;x++){c=16+36*x+6*y+t;printf("\033[48;5;%dm\033[%dm%4d\033[0m",c,t<3?97:30,c)}printf("")}print""}}'
awk 'BEGIN{for(t=0;t<6;t++){for(y=0;y<6;y++){for(x=0;x<6;x++){c=16+36*t+6*x+y;printf("\033[48;5;%dm\033[%dm%4d\033[0m",c,y<3?97:30,c)}printf("")}print""}}'
awk 'BEGIN{for(t=0;t<6;t++){for(y=0;y<6;y++){for(x=0;x<6;x++){c=16+t+6*x+36*y;printf("\033[48;5;%dm\033[%dm%4d\033[0m",c,(x+y)%2?97:30,c)}printf("")}print""}}'
awk 'BEGIN{for(t=0;t<6;t++){for(y=0;y<6;y++){for(x=0;x<6;x++){c=16+36*y+t*6+x;printf("\033[48;5;%dm\033[%dm%4d\033[0m",c,x<3?97:30,c)}printf("")}print""}}'

amazing how different a color can look depending on what is next to it. I was not able to
prompt for a rule that would always create a contrasting foreground for any background...


George Georgalis, (415) 894-2710,

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