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Re: wedge device to name

On 22.09.2019 17:50, Christos Zoulas wrote:
> Yes, but bolting on extra functionality that belongs to syscalls using
> sysctl creates a rats
> nest for userland in the long term, and it is not exactly cheap to
> maintain and document 
> all the sysctl code. And with versioning you get to kill the old
> versions if you want, with
> sysctl you are left with the mess.
> christos
>> On Sep 22, 2019, at 11:42 AM, Kamil Rytarowski <
>> <>> wrote:
>> ,

I understand and I know. Unfortunately (or fortunately) we will need to
live with the old syscall forever.

A programmer friendly wrapper of sysctl could be implemented in libutil.

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