Current-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Mon Mar 10 03:09:52 2025
Timezone is UTC
- Current build break - port amd64 - librumphijack,
Paul Goyette
- build failure, amd64,
- After changes to sys/ddb build is broken..,
henning petersen
- ld.elf_so broken with separate /usr,
David Holland
- Re: ld.elf_so broken with separate /usr,
Martin Husemann
- Re: ld.elf_so broken with separate /usr,
Jukka Ruohonen
- Filesystem tests crashing host,
Andreas Gutafsson
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
Mindaugas Rasiukevicius
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
Paul Goyette
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
Paul Goyette
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
Jukka Ruohonen
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
Andreas Gustafsson
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
Paul Goyette
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
Paul Goyette
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
Jukka Ruohonen
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
Andreas Gustafsson
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
Paul Goyette
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
Mindaugas Rasiukevicius
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
Paul Goyette
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
David Holland
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
- Re: Filesystem tests crashing host,
Paul Goyette
- Re: ld.elf_so broken with separate /usr,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: ld.elf_so broken with separate /usr,
John D. Baker
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- Build breakage -port-amd64 - linking fai,
Paul Goyette
- Problem building a kernel,
Matthias Scheler
- fsck_root and swap1 rcorder,
Jonathan A. Kollasch
- Latest build-break - port amd64 - libbfd,
Paul Goyette
- amd64 rump_server?,
Jonathan A. Kollasch
- namei heads up,
David Holland
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- Build break - port amd64 - libcurses tests,
Paul Goyette
- bug in printf(1)?,
Thomas Klausner
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- Looking for NAS Hardware,
Thomas Klausner
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- NetBSD Security Advisory 2011-004: Kernel stack ov,
NetBSD Security Officer
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- _sys___select50() triggering lots of SIGTRAPS in g,
- [ANNOUNCE] pkgsrc-2011Q1,
Thomas Klausner
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- Build failure on port amd64 - nandemulator,
Paul Goyette
- [GSoC 2011]: Sysinst alternative interface,
Alexander Tarasikov
- no keyboard input visible with xsrc X11 on i386 -c,
Kevin Lahey
- acpicpu1 at cpu1 related console error messages,
Sverre Froyen
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- filemon(4),
Paul Goyette
- Your email ID has been awarded 1,000,000,00 GBP. i,
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- Build break - port amd64 - rtld.o,
Paul Goyette
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- [HEADS UP] acpicpu(4) enabled in x86 GENERICs,
Jukka Ruohonen
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
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