NetBSD-Bugs by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Mon Mar 10 20:00:57 2025
Timezone is UTC
- lib/43005: needs locking,
Thomas Klausner
- port-amd64/43003: amd64 pciback,
julian . bourne
- kern/43002: required>0 module autounload timestamp,
- port-amd64/43001: amd64 multiboot,
julian . bourne
- port-macppc/42999: macppc POWERMAC_G5 kernel build,
dennis . c . ferguson
- port-macppc/42998: macppc POWERMAC_G5 kernel build,
dennis . c . ferguson
- Re: kern/14058 (time-of-day goes backwards),
- Debugging threaded processes,
Paul Koning
- port-sparc64/42994: Kernel panic when setting MTU ,
- Re: kern/38273: panic: LOCKDEBUG, "lockdebug_barri,
David Holland
- kern/42992: KGDB does not work once interrupts are,
- Re: toolchain/42938 (checkflist errors on netbsd-5,
- PR/42938 CVS commit: [netbsd-5] src/distrib/sets/l,
Soren Jacobsen
- PR/42661 CVS commit: [netbsd-5] src/sys/compat,
Soren Jacobsen
- toolchain/42986: ctfconvert damages .pico files du,
- kern/42985: 5.99.24 ataraid/ld(?) "Mutex error: lo,
Greg A. Woods
- port-amd64/42983: netbsd kernel has corrupted symb,
- Re: port-amd64/42895,
Jukka Ruohonen
- Re: kern/42979 (Data toggle issues in usb(4), slhc,
- kern/42982: crash on detaching network interfaces ,
- port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd64,
julian . bourne
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Manuel Bouyer
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
David Holland
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Julian Bourne
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Julian Bourne
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Julian Bourne
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Julian Bourne
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Julian Bourne
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Julian Bourne
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Julian Bourne
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Julian Bourne
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Julian Bourne
- Re: port-amd64/42980: satalink DMA fails under amd,
Julian Bourne
- kern/42979: Data toggle issues in usb(4), slhci(4),
- port-i386/42978: boot loader is too picky of space,
Aleksej Saushev
- kern/42977: pkg/samba requires vm.user_va0_disable,
- Re: install/40245 (netbsd-5 and -current fail to l,
- Re: misc/18947 (ftpd lacks a per host limit of sim,
David Holland
- port-amd64/42975: Building /multimedia/gst-plugins,
- port-mac68k/42973: Booting Macintosh IIsi to seria,
Hauke Fath
- Re: kern/40137: gem(4) drops TCP packets with tcp4,
David Holland
- port-mac68k/42972: port-mac68k 5.0.2 crashes on a ,
- kern/42970: Compile Realtek 8185 wireless driver e,
- Re: pkg/40346: libexpat should be in base.tgz,
David Holland
- PR/42943 CVS commit: [netbsd-5] src/usr.sbin/pppd/,
Jeff Rizzo
- PR/42943 CVS commit: [netbsd-4] src/usr.sbin/pppd/,
Jeff Rizzo
- PR/42838 CVS commit: src/sys/dev/usb,
Steve Woodford
- PR/42876 CVS commit: [netbsd-5] src/lib/libc/stdli,
Jeff Rizzo
- port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's netbsd-,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
Anne Bennett
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
David H . Gutteridge
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
David H. Gutteridge
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
Anne Bennett
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
David Holland
- re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
matthew green
- re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
matthew green
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
Anne Bennett
- re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
matthew green
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
Anne Bennett
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
Anne Bennett
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
David Holland
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
David Holland
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
David H. Gutteridge
- re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
matthew green
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
Anne Bennett
- re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
matthew green
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
Anne Bennett
- re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
matthew green
- Re: port-i386/42966: kernel built from today's net,
Anne Bennett
- kern/42964: Broadcom BCM 5756 doesn't work on NetB,
- Re: kern/40481 (Silicon Image SATA CardBus support,
- PR/39659 CVS commit: src/sys/dev/ic,
Jonathan A. Kollasch
- PR/42963 CVS commit: src/usr.sbin/cron,
Thomas Klausner
- Re: misc/42963 (crontab(5) has an error),
- misc/42963: crontab(5) has an error,
- bin/42961: cvs near-silently throws away local mod,
- Re: bin/42961: cvs near-silently throws away local,
Christos Zoulas
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: bin/42961: cvs near-silently throws away local,
David Holland
- Re: bin/42961: cvs near-silently throws away local,
Greg A. Woods
- Re: bin/42961: cvs near-silently throws away local,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: bin/42961: cvs near-silently throws away local,
Matthew Mondor
- Re: bin/42961: cvs near-silently throws away local,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: bin/42961: cvs near-silently throws away local,
David Holland
- Re: bin/42961: cvs near-silently throws away local,
David Holland
- Re: bin/42961: cvs near-silently throws away local,
David Holland
- Re: bin/42961: cvs near-silently throws away local,
David H. Gutteridge
- Re: port-sparc64/42959 (sparc64 installer does not,
- port-sparc64/42959: sparc64 installer does not wor,
- Re: port-sparc64/42958 (booting from CD does not w,
- port-sparc64/42958: booting from CD does not work ,
- kern/42956: ACPI interrupt regression between netb,
- PR/42952 CVS commit: src/sbin/dump,
Christos Zoulas
- bin/42953: restore reports "too low or too high" i,
- bin/42952: Fix to dump(8)'s "true incremental",
- kern/42950: nfe(4) panic on HP Pavilion Slimline s,
- PR/22595 CVS commit: src/sys/arch/evbppc/conf,
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