pkgsrc-WIP-changes by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Sat Mar 08 21:37:02 2025
Timezone is UTC
- remove ncdu2, imported as sysutils/ncdu2,
- py-rns: Add TOOO,
Greg Troxel
- + mirmake,
Paolo Vincenzo Olivo
- devel/mirmake: import mirmake-20141220 as wip/mirm,
Paolo Vincenzo Olivo
- py-rns: Fix AutoInterface on NetBSD,
Greg Troxel
- openjazz: Add a MESSAGE,
Charlotte Koch
- py-sbapp: Depend on kivy even if too old,
Greg Troxel
- guile-reader: finish package,
Thomas Klausner
- guile-reader: update to 0.6.3, fails to build,
- remove nsm (duplicate/obsolete).,
- remove rust-bindgen, imported as devel/rust-bindge,
- remove py-pip2pi, imported as devel/py-pip2pi,
- p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-OAuth2-Server: remove, impor,
- remove p5-Mojo-JWT, imported,
- neomutt-git: build from git, sync with mail/neomut,
- doomlegacy-devel: More UMAPINFO support,
Michael Baeuerle
- libdoom-umapinfo: Update to 1.0.0rc3,
Michael Baeuerle
- py-juniper-SNMPv3-crypt: tweak so it fetches & ins,
Havard Eidnes
- py-juniper-SNMPv3-crypt: follow pkglint advice.,
Havard Eidnes
- Add py-juniper-SNMPv3-crypt package, version 0.0.5,
Havard Eidnes
- libdoom-umapinfo: Update to 1.0.0rc2,
Michael Baeuerle
- Remove py-elastic-transport: already in pkgsrc,
Mike M. Volokhov
- perl: update to 5.37.9.,
Thomas Klausner
- wip: Add dnsx,
Leonardo Taccari
- dnsx: Import dnsx-1.1.2 as wip/dnsx,
Leonardo Taccari
- wip: Add subfinder,
Leonardo Taccari
- subfinder: Import subfinder-2.5.6 as wip/subfinder,
Leonardo Taccari
- nuclei: Use DISTNAME for WRKSRC,
Leonardo Taccari
- nuclei: Update to 2.8.9,
Leonardo Taccari
- auto-admin: Update to 0.7.15 release,
Jason Bacon
- pkg-dev: Update to,
Jason Bacon
- wip-tools: Update to,
Jason Bacon
- bcftools: Bring Makefile in line with htslib and s,
Jason Bacon
- samtools: Switch dist to bz2,
Jason Bacon
- samtools: Sync Makefile with committed package,
Jason Bacon
- htslib: Sync Makefile with committed package,
Jason Bacon
- cloudflared: Import cloudflared-2023.2.1 as wip/cl,
Iku Iwasa
- Makefile: +cloudflared,
Iku Iwasa
- packer: Update to 1.8.6,
Iku Iwasa
- consul: Update to 1.15.0,
Iku Iwasa
- d2: Update to 0.2.1,
Iku Iwasa
- task: Update to 3.21.0,
Iku Iwasa
- py-pre-commit: Update to 3.1.0,
Iku Iwasa
- iosevka-*: Update to 19.0.1,
Iku Iwasa
- py-identify: Update to 2.5.18,
Iku Iwasa
- bats-core: Update to 1.9.0,
Iku Iwasa
- bcftools: Update to 1.17,
Jason Bacon
- samtools: Update to 1.17,
Jason Bacon
- htslib: Update to 1.17,
Jason Bacon
- wip: Add httpx,
Leonardo Taccari
- ape: Update to,
Jason Bacon
- httpx: Import httpx-1.2.7 as wip/httpx,
Leonardo Taccari
- py-pwntools: Update to 4.9.0,
Leonardo Taccari
- terraform-provider-aws3: Update to 3.76.1,
Leonardo Taccari
- ape: Update to,
Jason Bacon
- erlang-git: add new package tracking erlang git ve,
Thomas Klausner
- muon: Add (derived from devel/meson),
Michael Baeuerle
- libdoom-umapinfo: Update to 1.0.0rc1,
Michael Baeuerle
- remove gnunet-gtk, imported as net/gnunet-gtk,
- zabbix60-*: Remove Zabbix 6.0 packages,
Yuuki Enomoto
- sabnzbd: update to 3.7.2.,
Olaf Seibert
- muon: Remove, use bl3 from devel/pkgconf,
Michael Baeuerle
- libreswan: Add reference to CVE-2023-23009,
Leonardo Taccari
- nmh: Add candidate commit message,
Leonardo Taccari
- minio: Add reference to CVE-2023-25812,
Leonardo Taccari
- kibana: Add reference to CVE-2022-38779,
Leonardo Taccari
- frp: Update to 0.47.0.,
Santhosh Raju
- py-sbapp: Add 0.5.2,
Greg Troxel
- Add py-nomadnet 0.3.5,
Greg Troxel
- py-rns: Fix categories,
Greg Troxel
- Add py-lxmf 0.3.1,
Greg Troxel
- Add py-rns version 0.4.9,
Greg Troxel
- nmh: Update to (final) 1.8,
Leonardo Taccari
- k6: Update to 0.43.0,
Leonardo Taccari
- yap: add update candidate for lang/yap,
Thomas Klausner
- py-dask: Update to 2023.2.0,
Matthew Danielson
- py-fastparquet: Update to 2023.2.0,
Matthew Danielson
- py-distributed: Update to 2023.2.0,
Matthew Danielson
- docviewer: Update to,
Jason Bacon
- zeek: Document how the build fails on NetBSD,
Leonardo Taccari
- chirp: Update to 20230218,
Greg Troxel
- ruby-iesd: reset the maintainer,
Pierre Pronchery
- dendrite: add CVEs,
Thomas Merkel
- packer: add CVEs,
Thomas Merkel
- php-basercms: add CVEs,
Thomas Merkel
- ruby-git: add CVEs,
Thomas Merkel
- cyrus-imapd36: Updated MESSAGE and TODO files,
Matthias Petermann
- py-buildbot: added missing dep (py-msgpack), fixed,
Aleksej Lebedev
- nomad: add CVEs,
Thomas Merkel
- py-buildbot: added missing dependency (py-alembic),
Aleksej Lebedev
- cyrus-imapd36: fix perl interpreter locations, rem,
Matthias Petermann
- joomla: add CVEs,
Thomas Merkel
- p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-OAuth2-Server: change p5-Net,
- remove p5-Net-OAuth2-AuthorizationServer, imported,
- p5-MojoX-Log-Log4perl-Tiny: add p5-Module-Build-Ti,
- cyrus-imapd36: fix PLIST,
Matthias Petermann
- cyrus-imapd36: Added first draft of pkg, work in p,
Matthias Petermann
- ape: Update to,
Jason Bacon
- fq: remove, imported to pkgsrc/devel,
Thomas Klausner
- fq: update to 0.3.0.,
Thomas Klausner
- fusionpbx: add CVEs,
Thomas Merkel
- swftools: add CVEs to TODO,
Thomas Merkel
- TODO: moonlight-qt was imported,
Charlotte Koch
- moonlight-qt: Remove, imported into pkgsrc as game,
Charlotte Koch
- amnesia-tdd: Remove, imported into pkgsrc as games,
Charlotte Koch
- opensmtpd: imported patch from DragonFly's dports,
Aleksej Lebedev
- doxy2man: Update to 0.3,
Michael Baeuerle
- gnutls-guile: replace with new guile bindings. doe,
- ironwail: Remove, imported into pkgsrc as games/ir,
Charlotte Koch
- nanosaur2: remove, imported into pkgsrc as games/n,
Charlotte Koch
- ottomatic: Update to 4.0.1,
Charlotte Koch
- nanosaur: remove, imported into pkgsrc as games/na,
Charlotte Koch
- nanosaur: Update to 1.4.4,
Charlotte Koch
- rust-analyzer: Requires rust>=1.66.0.,
Min S. Kim
- New package, rust-analyzer.,
Benny Siegert
- emacs-git: add libotf and webp options,
Thomas Klausner
- py-scikit-build: Add build dependency on devel/py-,
Matthew Danielson
- blis: Update Maintainer, add HomePage,
Matthew Danielson
- libflame: Update Maintainer, add HomePage,
Matthew Danielson
- confkerndev: Import confkerndev-0.0.1 as wip/confk,
Denis Bodor
- poke: remove, imported in pkgsrc as editors/poke.,
Frederic Cambus
- findugendev: Import findugendev-0.0.1 as wip/findu,
Denis Bodor
- poke: pass --disable-dispatch-no-threading to fix ,
Frederic Cambus
- libpll: USE_TOOLS bison and flex,
Dr. Thomas Orgis
- libpll: high-performance software library for phyl,
Dr. Thomas Orgis
- liblame: Use only one distinfo and set of patches ,
Matthew Danielson
- blis: Use only one distinfo across all variants,
Matthew Danielson
- Import libflame_openmp variant,
Matthew Danielson
- Import libflame_pthread variant,
Matthew Danielson
- Import libflame-5.2.0: A library for Matrix Operat,
Matthew Danielson
- Import blis-0.9.0, a framework for blas libraries,
Matthew Danielson
- Import blis_pthread variant,
Matthew Danielson
- Import blis_openmp variant,
Matthew Danielson
- libreddit: remove, now imported,
Paolo Vincenzo Olivo
- py-macs2: Import patch from biology/py-ma,
Jason Bacon
- rust: Upgrade to version 1.67.1.,
Havard Eidnes
- cde: remove package, imported in the main tree.,
Paolo Vincenzo Olivo
- libreddit: add rc service file.,
Paolo Vincenzo Olivo
- wip/freecad: cad/oce -> cad/occt,
Tobias Nygren
- terraform-provides-aws: Update to 4.54.0,
Leonardo Taccari
- terraform-provider-vultr: Update to 2.12.1,
Iku Iwasa
- Add a package for Trac trunk. Currently 1.5.4.dev0,
Lloyd Parkes
- coturn: Fixed buildlink includes for mysql and pgs,
Aleksej Lebedev
- chirp: Add version 20230122,
Greg Troxel
- varnish-slash: fix PLIST,
Tobias Nygren
- jitsi-sctp: ship the jar file for jitsi-videobridg,
Pierre Pronchery
- jitsi-sctp: import version 1.0,
Pierre Pronchery
- terraform13: Update to 1.3.8,
Leonardo Taccari
- py-buildbot-*: updated to 3.7.0,
Aleksej Lebedev
- doomlegacy-devel: Update to SVN commit 1648,
Michael Baeuerle
- auto-admin: Update to,
Jason Bacon
- +varnish-slash: Storage Engines for Varnish-Cache,
Tobias Nygren
Min S. Kim
- kibana: Add reference to CVE-2022-38900,
Leonardo Taccari
- helm: Update to 3.11.1,
Leonardo Taccari
- miller: first draft of commit message,
Yorick Hardy
- pipe-viewer: update to pipe-viewer-0.4.5,
Yorick Hardy
- miller: import miller-6.6.0 as wip/miller,
Yorick Hardy
- libreddit: update to 0.29.0,
- poke: update to 3.0.,
Frederic Cambus
- lima: Update to 0.14.2,
Leonardo Taccari
- auto-admin: Update to,
Jason Bacon
- doomlegacy-devel: Update to SVN commit 1647,
Michael Baeuerle
- flnews-devel: Update to 1.2.0pre20,
Michael Baeuerle
- py-dask: Add ALTERNATES for real this time,
Matthew Danielson
- py-altair: Update to 4.2.1,
Matthew Danielson
- py-fastfarquet: Update to 2023.1.0,
Matthew Danielson
- py-dask: Add ALTERNATIVES,
Matthew Danielson
- py-vega_datasets: pkglint warnings, hook up test.,
Matthew Danielson
- py-cloud-init: add note about the upstream bug rep,
Havard Eidnes
- gnucash: update to 4.901.,
Thomas Klausner
- py-cloud-init: add version 22.4.2.,
Havard Eidnes
- py-jsonpatch: add dependency on py-jsonpointer.,
Havard Eidnes
- py-jsonpointer: add version 2.3.,
Havard Eidnes
- py-jsonpatch: add version 1.32.,
Havard Eidnes
- email-oauth2-proxy: add version 2022.12.14.,
Havard Eidnes
- -go120,
Benny Siegert
- py-pywebview: add version 4.0.1.,
Havard Eidnes
- py-pywebview: declare python version 27 as incompa,
Havard Eidnes
- proxy_tools: add version 0.1.0.,
Havard Eidnes
- py-pystray: adjust LICENSE to gnu-lgpl-3.,
Havard Eidnes
- py-pystray: add version 0.19.4.,
Havard Eidnes
- perl5-devel: pkglint does not read comments, undo ,
Thomas Klausner
- perl5-devel: update to 5.37.8,
Thomas Klausner
- perl5-devel: pkglint fixes,
Thomas Klausner
- py-pre-commit: Update to 3.0.4,
Iku Iwasa
- iosevka-*: Update to 18.0.0,
Iku Iwasa
- py-identify: Update to 2.5.17,
Iku Iwasa
- py-stravalib: added deps, fixed DESCR,
Aleksej Lebedev
- py-pint: added ALTERNATIVES,
Aleksej Lebedev
- webkit-gtk: Add TODO,
Leonardo Taccari
- shadow: Add reference to CVE-2023-0634,
Leonardo Taccari
- py-stravalib: imported version 1.1.0,
Aleksej Lebedev
- zabbix60-*: Update Zabbix to 6.0.13,
Yuuki Enomoto
- zabbix62-*: Update Zabbix to 6.2.7,
Yuuki Enomoto
- py-blosc: Build with blosc library from pkgsrc,
Matthew Danielson
- py-scikit-build: Update to 0.16.6,
Matthew Danielson
Mail converted by MHonArc