Index of tech-kern for April, 2011

MichaelRe: "covering set" of PCI kernels?
Lars Heidiekerextent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Thor Lancelot Simonlockstat from pathological builds Re: high sys time, very very slow builds on new 24-core system
Manuel BouyerRe: "covering set" of PCI kernels?
Allen BriggsRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Manuel BouyerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Christoph EggerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Allen BriggsRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Eric HaszlakiewiczRe: filesystem writing inodes when it oughtn't?
David YoungRe: "covering set" of PCI kernels?
David YoungRe: "covering set" of PCI kernels?
Eduardo HorvathRe: "covering set" of PCI kernels?
MichaelRe: "covering set" of PCI kernels?
MichaelRe: "covering set" of PCI kernels?
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: lockstat from pathological builds Re: high sys time, very very slow builds on new 24-core system
Andrew DoranRe: lockstat from pathological builds Re: high sys time, very very slow builds on new 24-core system
Manuel BouyerRe: "covering set" of PCI kernels?
Matthew MondorRe: Status and future of 3rd party ABI compatibility layer
Andrew DoranRe: lockstat from pathological builds Re: high sys time, very very slow builds on new 24-core system
matthew greenre: lockstat from pathological builds Re: high sys time, very very slow builds on new 24-core system
matthew greenre: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Kevin BowlingRe: lockstat from pathological builds Re: high sys time, very very slow builds on new 24-core system
Matthew MondorRe: GSoC 2011 project proposal [Add kqueue support to GIO]
Lars HeidiekerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Lars HeidiekerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Manuel BouyerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Lars HeidiekerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Andrew DoranRe: lockstat from pathological builds Re: high sys time, very very slow builds on new 24-core system
Manuel BouyerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Martin HusemannRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Lars HeidiekerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Andrew DoranCrazy idea #1: uvm_fpageqlock
Andrew Doranpg->offset and pg->flags
David LaightRe: Crazy idea #1: uvm_fpageqlock
Frank Willekernel bitreverse function
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: kernel bitreverse function
Matthew MondorRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
matthew greenre: pg->offset and pg->flags
David LaightRe: kernel bitreverse function
David LaightRe: pg->offset and pg->flags
Dmitry MatveevRe: GSoC 2011 project proposal [Add kqueue support to GIO]
Frank WilleRe: kernel bitreverse function
David LaightRe: kernel bitreverse function
Lars HeidiekerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Manuel BouyerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
der MouseRe: kernel bitreverse function
Frank WilleRe: kernel bitreverse function
Jukka RuohonenRe: kernel bitreverse function
Frank WilleRe: kernel bitreverse function
Jukka RuohonenRe: kernel bitreverse function
Lars HeidiekerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: GSoC 2011 project proposal [Add kqueue support to GIO]
matthew greenre: pg->offset and pg->flags
Jean-Yves MigeonRe: GSoC 2011 project proposal [Add kqueue support to GIO]
Frank WilleRe: kernel bitreverse function
Andrew DoranRe: pg->offset and pg->flags
matthew greenre: filesystem writing inodes when it oughtn't?
Lars HeidiekerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
matthew greenre: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Masao UebayashiRe: pg->offset and pg->flags
Manuel BouyerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Lars HeidiekerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Manuel BouyerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Manuel BouyerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Lars HeidiekerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Manuel BouyerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Vladimir KirillovGSoC proposal: NetBSD Kernel Documentation Management Toolchain
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: GSoC 2011 project proposal [Add kqueue support to GIO]
Julio MerinoRe: GSoC 2011 project proposal [Add kqueue support to GIO]
Julio MerinoRe: GSoC 2011 project proposal [Add kqueue support to GIO]
Vladimir Kirillovdiff: add show proc command to ddb
Brett LymnRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
David YoungRe: "covering set" of PCI kernels?
Martin HusemannRe: diff: add show proc command to ddb
Vladimir Kirillovdiff: ddb: gather common code for x86
Vladimir Kirillovdiff: crash(8) on amd64
Vladimir Kirillovdiff: exit crash(8) on ^D
haadRe: diff: ddb: gather common code for x86
matthew greenre: diff: add show proc command to ddb
Christoph EggerRe: diff: ddb: gather common code for x86
Martin HusemannRe: diff: add show proc command to ddb
matthew greenre: diff: ddb: gather common code for x86
Vladimir KirillovRe: diff: ddb: gather common code for x86
Kristaps DzonsonsRe: GSoC proposal: NetBSD Kernel Documentation Management Toolchain
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Eduardo HorvathRe: diff: add show proc command to ddb
Manuel BouyerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Lars HeidiekerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Manuel BouyerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Manuel BouyerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Manuel BouyerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Manuel BouyerRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
Vladimir KirillovRe: GSoC proposal: NetBSD Kernel Documentation Management Toolchain
Vladimir KirillovRe: diff: add show proc command to ddb
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: GSoC proposal: NetBSD Kernel Documentation Management Toolchain
Vladimir KirillovRe: GSoC proposal: NetBSD Kernel Documentation Management Toolchain
Vladimir KirillovRe: GSoC proposal: NetBSD Kernel Documentation Management Toolchain
Eduardo HorvathRe: GSoC proposal: NetBSD Kernel Documentation Management Toolchain
Kristaps DzonsonsRe: GSoC proposal: NetBSD Kernel Documentation Management Toolchain
Vladimir KirillovRe: diff: add show proc command to ddb
Andrew DoranRe: diff: add show proc command to ddb
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: GSoC proposal: NetBSD Kernel Documentation Management Toolchain
der MouseRe: GSoC proposal: NetBSD Kernel Documentation Management Toolchain
Jukka RuohonenRe: GSoC proposal: NetBSD Kernel Documentation Management Toolchain
Dmitry MatveevRe: GSoC 2011 project proposal [Add kqueue support to GIO]
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Edgar_Fu=DF?=RAIDframe component replacement
Brian BuhrowRe: RAIDframe component replacement
der MouseRe: RAIDframe component replacement
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Edgar_Fu=DF?=Re: RAIDframe component replacement
der MouseRe: RAIDframe component replacement
Manuel Bouyeranother wapbl and shapshot issue
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Edgar_Fu=DF?=Re: RAIDframe component replacement
Manuel BouyerRe: RAIDframe component replacement
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Edgar_Fu=DF?=Re: RAIDframe component replacement
der MouseRe: RAIDframe component replacement
der MouseRe: RAIDframe component replacement
Julian ColemanRe: RAIDframe component replacement
Edgar =?iso-8859-1?B?RnXf?=Re: RAIDframe component replacement
Julian ColemanRe: RAIDframe component replacement
Edgar =?iso-8859-1?B?RnXf?=Re: RAIDframe component replacement
Brian BuhrowRe: RAIDframe component replacement
Lars Heidiekerkmem-pool-uvm
David Young[patch] PCI memory & i/o enables
Eduardo HorvathRe: [patch] PCI memory & i/o enables
Lars HeidiekerRe: [patch] PCI memory & i/o enables
Matthias DrochnerRe: [patch] PCI memory & i/o enables
David YoungRe: [patch] PCI memory & i/o enables
David YoungRe: [patch] PCI memory & i/o enables
Eduardo HorvathRe: [patch] PCI memory & i/o enables
David YoungRe: [patch] PCI memory & i/o enables
Matthias DrochnerRe: [patch] PCI memory & i/o enables
Eric HaszlakiewiczRe: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow
matthew greenre: [patch] PCI memory & i/o enables
Mindaugas Rasiukeviciusvmem problems [was: Re: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow]
Lars HeidiekerRe: vmem problems [was: Re: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow]
Lars HeidiekerRe: vmem problems [was: Re: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow]
David YoungRe: vmem problems [was: Re: extent-patch and overview of what is supposed to follow]
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: kmem-pool-uvm
Juergen Hannken-IlljesRe: another wapbl and shapshot issue
Manuel BouyerRe: another wapbl and shapshot issue
Lars HeidiekerRe: kmem-pool-uvm
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Edgar_Fu=DF?=NLM (NFS Lock Manager) premature TCP close
YAMAMOTO TakashiRe: kmem-pool-uvm
Lars HeidiekerRe: kmem-pool-uvm
Manuel Bouyerffs snapshots patch
Iain HibbertGNU vs C99 extern inline
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: GNU vs C99 extern inline
Iain HibbertRe: GNU vs C99 extern inline
Emmanuel DreyfusHow to investigate ENOBUFS?
Martin HusemannNew boothowto flag to prevent raid auto-root-configuration
Michael van ElstRe: How to investigate ENOBUFS?
Juergen Hannken-IlljesRe: ffs snapshots patch
Re: New boothowto flag to prevent raid auto-root-configuration
matthew greenre: New boothowto flag to prevent raid auto-root-configuration
Klaus . HeinzRe: New boothowto flag to prevent raid auto-root-configuration
Martin HusemannRe: New boothowto flag to prevent raid auto-root-configuration
Izumi TsutsuiRe: New boothowto flag to prevent raid auto-root-configuration
Martin HusemannRe: New boothowto flag to prevent raid auto-root-configuration
Martin HusemannRe: New boothowto flag to prevent raid auto-root-configuration
Greg OsterRe: New boothowto flag to prevent raid auto-root-configuration
Izumi TsutsuiRe: New boothowto flag to prevent raid auto-root-configuration
Brian BuhrowRe: New boothowto flag to prevent raid auto-root-configuration
Martin HusemannRe: New boothowto flag to prevent raid auto-root-configuration
Boost extra energy and extra length!
Juergen Hannken-Illjesffs fsync patch - block devices and wapbl
David YoungRe: GNU vs C99 extern inline
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: GNU vs C99 extern inline
Frank Zeranguevnodes and hard links
Jonathan A. KollaschRe: ffs fsync patch - block devices and wapbl
Jonathan A. Kollaschata(4) and NCQ
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: ata(4) and NCQ
YAMAMOTO TakashiRe: ffs fsync patch - block devices and wapbl
YAMAMOTO TakashiRe: kmem-pool-uvm
Iain HibbertRe: GNU vs C99 extern inline
David HollandRe: vnodes and hard links
Jonathan StoneRe: ata(4) and NCQ
Andriy GaponRe: ata(4) and NCQ
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: GNU vs C99 extern inline
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: GNU vs C99 extern inline
Juergen Hannken-IlljesRe: ffs fsync patch - block devices and wapbl
Frank ZerangueRe: vnodes and hard links
Juergen Hannken-IlljesRe: ffs snapshots patch
matthew greenvery strange and severe raidframe performance issue
YAMAMOTO TakashiRe: ffs fsync patch - block devices and wapbl
Manuel Bouyerraidframe problem after upgrade
Michael van ElstRe: raidframe problem after upgrade
Manuel BouyerRe: raidframe problem after upgrade
Vladimir Kirillovmake devmon report attach events again
matthew greenre: raidframe problem after upgrade
Manuel BouyerRe: raidframe problem after upgrade
Manuel BouyerRe: ata(4) and NCQ
Manuel BouyerRe: ata(4) and NCQ
Andriy GaponRe: ata(4) and NCQ
Eduardo HorvathRe: ata(4) and NCQ
Manuel BouyerNFS server problems (lockup) on netbsd-5
Manuel BouyerRe: raidframe problem after upgrade
Garrett CooperRe: ata(4) and NCQ
Manuel BouyerRe: ata(4) and NCQ
Jonathan A. KollaschRe: ata(4) and NCQ
Garrett CooperRe: ata(4) and NCQ
Manuel BouyerRe: ata(4) and NCQ
Edgar =?iso-8859-1?B?RnXf?=reading non-standard floppy formats
matthew greenre: raidframe problem after upgrade
Frank van der LindenRe: ata(4) and NCQ
Manuel BouyerRe: ffs snapshots patch
Christoph EggerRe: NFS server problems (lockup) on netbsd-5
Manuel BouyerRe: NFS server problems (lockup) on netbsd-5
Juergen Hannken-IlljesRe: ffs snapshots patch
Edgar =?iso-8859-1?B?RnXf?=reading non-standard floppy formats
Manuel BouyerRe: ffs snapshots patch
Manuel BouyerRe: ffs snapshots patch
Juergen Hannken-IlljesRe: ffs snapshots patch
Ignatios SouvatzisRe: ffs snapshots patch
Manuel BouyerRe: ffs snapshots patch
David HollandRe: reading non-standard floppy formats