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Re: KEX problems

On Monday, July 21, 2003 09:12:07 -0700 Nicolas Williams <> wrote:

I'm glad that we pretty much agree on what the problems are. You seem to have omitted the rekey-without-host-key problem, which I called problem (1), probably because it's only peripherally relevant to this discussion. I would like to hear more comments from people as to whether problem (1) is worth solving and whether the solution I described (rolling the semantics of Joel Weber's 'none' hostkey algorithm into the 'null' already described in the gsskeyex document) is the correct solution. I believe the answers to both questions are "yes", but confirmation would be nice.

I think I need to disagree with you slightly on priorities for the other problems...

IMO, problem (B) is the problem most worth solving, but it requires
extending the key exchange phase of the protocol, one way or another.

IIRC this is what I called problem (2), the keyex retry problem. I'm not sure whether it occurs often enough to be worth solving; I'd love to hear comments from people other than you, me, and Joel on this point. I do agree that solving it requires extending the keyex protocol, probably along one of the three general paths I described in my message, none of which are terribly appealing to me. I believe the bar to be passed before solving this problem should be rather high.

IMO, problem (C) is the simplest to solve and does not require modifying
the key exchange part of the protocol.

Well, no disagreement here. Of the three problems you listed, this is clearly the simplest to solve, and I think we have already achieved concensus both that this is worth solving, and that the general approach we've discussed is correct. Hopefully we'll have an I-D in short order, and people can comment on whether the specifics are right. I would like some opinion from the WG members and the chair as to whether this should be a working group item or not.

IMO, problem (A) is the problem least worth solving, but if we solve (B)
then we should consider solving (A) as well.

This is the multi-level algorithm negotiation problem, which I called problem (3). I can only partially agree here... If we solve (B), we should certainly consider solving (A), since it's clearly possible to do so if we're extending the key exchange anyway. However, I think it may also be possible to solve (A) without modifying the key exchange mechanism, by using an alias-based approach. If such a solution is sufficiently simple and actually meets the need, then I think the bar should be significantly lower than for a solution which requires modifying or extending the key exchange.

IMO, problems (A) and (B) can be solve backwards compatibly through
extensions to the KEXINIT message (see its 'reserved' field).  For this
we'd need draft-ietf-secsh-transport to have some text describing the
meta-semantics KEXINIT extensions and their negotiation so that problems
(A) and (B) can be solved in a separate I-D.  I will submit a last call
comment on this point.


-- Jeff

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