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Re: Secure Shell WG: Issue Tracking "Last Call"

Okay, RT tracking is now set up and I've created tickets reflecting
the state of most of the current WG documents.

You can reach the tracker at (intro page) or (direct entry to the database).

We're using the "secsh" queue (duh!)

Subject conventions:

	docname: issue summary


	newmodes: resolve algorithm set

RT allows for issues to have "parents".  I've created a bunch of

	docname: need to finish

issues, assigned to me, as parents for document-specific issues.

I have not yet created tickets for either:

	a) any of the extended filexfer discussions of the past couple months

	b) any of the recent gsskeyex discussions.

As I mentioned earlier today, active document editors who want write
access should send me the email address they want registered with the
ticketing system as their account name; I'll send them on in a batch
to the admins.

					- Bill

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