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Re: tcpip-forward requests and bind addresses

Chris Lonvick <> writes:

> How about the following which separates the thoughts into a list.

The organization is clear, but it can be cut down a little.

>    The 'address to bind' and 'port number to bind' specify the IP address
>    or domain name and port to which the socket to be listened is bound.
>    Some strings used for the 'address to bind' have special-case
>    semantics.
>        "" means that connections are to be accepted from anywhere on all
>        protocol families supported by the SSH implementation.

Perhaps strike "from anywhere", the mechanism is not (on the surface)
about restricting *from where* connections are accepted, only *to
which* addresses.

>        "" means to listen on all IPv4 addresses.  Note: not
>        "interfaces"; the mapping between intefaces and addresses can be
>        multi-valued in either direction.

Delete "Note: ...". It's important that we choose the right word, but
the spec is not the right place to explain our choice in detail.

>        "::" means to listen on all IPv6 addresses.
>        "localhost" means to listen on all protocol families supported by
>        the SSH implementation on loopback addresses only.  Note: loopback
>        addresses are defined in [RFC3330] for IPv4 and [RFC3513] for
>        IPv6.

I think "... loopback addresses only [RFC3330, RFC3513]." is
sufficient reference. No other references in the text are introduced
with a "Note:".

>        "" and "::1", while not really special cases for a
>        normally configured system indicate listening on the loopback
>        interfaces for IPv4 and IPv6 respectively.

The "not really special" applies to "" and "::" as well. Cut
it down to

         "" and "::1" indicate listening on the loopback
         interfaces for IPv4 and IPv6 respectively.

I don't think we need to comment on which of the strings are "special"
and which are "normal", but if we want to do that, it should go into
the first paragraph.


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