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Re: Secure Shell WG: what's left?

On Wednesday, August 10, 2005 12:09:26 -0400 der Mouse <mouse%Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA@localhost> wrote:

I've been told modern openssh does connection sharing - when I was at

It claims to have such switches. I've not tried using it. Maybe I will, just to see what happens. I certainly haven't read the code with respect to this behavior, but maybe I will.

It'd still be nice, I think, to avoid tying the agent protocol
version to the type of channel it runs on, if we can avoid it.

By "channel" do you mean the thing connect-25 speaks of as a channel,
or do you mean it in a more generic sense?

I meant in the ssh sense.

Either way, I don't see any such dependency in either agent-02 or my
mutated version of it.


Off to dinner now.  I'll look at this more later...

-- Jeff

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