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Re: New draft possibilities

On August 30, 2005 9:01:59 PM +0100 Ben Harris <> wrote:
In article <> you write:
On August 30, 2005 3:25:12 AM -0400 der Mouse <mouse%Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA@localhost> wrote:
A TCP tunnel would change the characteristics of most UDP apps quite
significantly and would not be desirable, I'd think.

Depends on what you're using UDP for.  It will change the
characteristics of UDP, but whether the change is significant will
depend on the application UDP is being put to.

For example, I would expect it to work fine for DNS traffic (which is
pretty close to the only use I can see for it offhand, though that
could just mean I don't do much with UDP).

But what happens when DNS times out and sends a retry, while TCP has
also queued it's own retry?  You end up drastically increasing the
amount of network traffic.

Not necessarily.  A reasonable implementation of UDP-over-SSH would notice
the TCP congestion (in the Unix world, by write() on the TCP socket
returning EWOULDBLOCK) ...

Only after the receiver's window goes to 0, and even then only if no
packets whatsoever get through.  In congested conditions where packets
make it after a few retrans, you'll never get this error.  You are also
assuming something (a lot) about a specific implementation.  Nothing
requires a TCP stack to notify the application like this.


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