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Re: Eyeballs needed.


On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, Jon Bright wrote:

Bill Sommerfeld wrote:

ftp: //
ftp: //

I didn't catch anything.

ftp: //
ftp: //

There are a couple of places where I disagree with the change from "which" to "that", but I guess that's a taste thing. I'm also told that British English (which I speak) tends to use "which" more than US English, so maybe it's just my dialect showing through.

End of section 9.3.1: "If there are no unsent packages, ..." should be "If there are no unsent packets, ...".

I'll get that changed.

Middle of 9.3.3: "If the session stays active long enough, however, this sequence number, will wrap." - the comma added after "number" seems superfluous to me.

I'll get that changed.

9.5.1: "Implementors SHOULD provide mechanisms for administrators to control which services are exposed to limit the..." - seems to me there should be an extra comma here: "...which services are exposed, to limit the...".

It looks OK to me without the extra comma.

Also, we're using "implementor" here (which I prefer). But at the start of 9.4.3, we have "implementer". Hopefully no-one's going to mention hobgoblins if I suggest that one or the other should be picked and used :-)

I'm going to ask for a global change s/implementor/implementer/ since the sections at the end use the latter.

9.5.3: The sentence beginning "It is RECOMMENDED that X11 display implementations default to allow the display..." seems to me more awkward after the RFC Editor's changes than it was before them. My version would be: "It is RECOMMENDED that X11 display implementations default to allowing the display to be opened only over local IPC. It is RECOMMENDED that SSH server implementations that support X11 forwarding default to allowing the display to be opened only over local IPC. On single-user systems systems, it might be reasonable to default to allowing the local display to be opened over TCP/IP."

It looks OK to me the way it is.

That's all I saw in -architecture.  I'll be reading the others later.


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