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Re: SSH File Transfer Protocol - draft-moonesamy-secsh-filexfer-00

Mouse <mouse%Rodents-Montreal.ORG@localhost> writes:

> > [...], as specified in:
> > draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13.txt

This one lives here:

but a history of the changes may be found here:

last updated 2006-07-18.

> > as well as extensions specified in:
> > draft-galb-filexfer-extensions-00.txt

This one lives here:

last updated 2005-10-05.

> Where can one find those? doesn't seem to have them; the
> Moonesamy draft is the only one I get asking for *filexfer*.

fwiw: Both drafts were authored by Joseph Galbraith of VanDyke Software
and Oskari Saarenmaa of F-Secure.

The draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer originally had co-authors Tatu Ylonen and
Sami Lehtinen, but they dropped out around version 10 of the draft in
June 2005.

As near as I can figure, versions of the SFTP protocol are spread out
over different iterations of the draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer document.

Version 3 was enumerated first in the -02 draft.

	Version 2: Added SSH_FXP_RENAME


Drafts -03 and -04 bumped the STFP version to 4

Draft -05 bumped the SFTP version to 5

Drafts -06 thru -13 all played with the SFTP version 6

Given that draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13.txt had the latest description
of version 6 of the SFTP protocol and none of the drafts ever were
published as an RFC, there is already a fair amount of confusion with
regard to SFTP versions.

I am actually in favor of some form of the
draft-moonesamy-secsh-filexfer as an informational RFC to document the
packet types being used by SFTP as a way of getting them put into the
document so that everyone who implements some fraction of them uses the
same packet type definitions.

If this means that the SFTP version needs to be at some other version
than 3 or 4 or 6, then so be it.

OpenSSH has said that it implements draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-02.txt
and provides a copy of it in

What are the differences between draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13 and
draft-moonesamy-secsh-filexfer-00 ?

Well, packet 20 is not listed in the draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13, but
is named SSH_FXP_SYMLINK in moonesamy.

Also moonesamy does not define packets 21 (SSH_FXP_LINK, 22

So, did anyone ever implement packet types 21, 22, and 23?
If so, what SFTP version did you call it and what do they do?

	-- Mark

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