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Re: mail/offlineimap rfc6555 module dependency missing

"J. Lewis Muir" <> writes:

> On 08/02, Greg Troxel wrote:
>> Write to the maintainer.  If they don't answer, change it.  If they do,
>> talk to to thema bout it.  It's great to be polite, but it's not
>> sensible to just defer without engaging.
> Well, the difficulty was that the package in wip was over two years old,
> I suspected that the maintainer probably had forgotten about it even
> being there, and I wanted to just fix the problem and not invest any
> more time in it than I already had.  I was wishing for something like
> submitting a patch series via email or something like a pull request,
> where I can just create it and not have to worry about someone else's
> patch series; they can of course do whatever they want, but I don't have
> to coordinate with them in order to create my patch series.

It's not really a difficulty.  It's a simple "are you still working on
this?  I'd like to make a change -- would you like to see it, or just
tell me to go ahead?".  It is exceedingly rare to have any real

And then who is going to apply the patch?  Are they then going to do all
this work of figuring out which update is best and if they should be

You could create a package with another name, but I would still want the
two efforts merged before hoisting to pkgsrc.

> Anyway, I emailed the maintainer, but there was no reply in five
> business days, so I've now committed my changes to wip/py-rfc6555.

I am not surprised you didn't hear back, but writing and waiting a few
days is very easy, and now we have only one draft update, not two, so
that's vastly better.

> adam@ removed my wip/py-selectors2 in commit

seems like that wasn't the right thing for him to do....

I'll defer to wiz@ on how to handle this; python 27 is messy and getting

> BTW, are all pkgsrc fixes supposed to be staged in wip regardless of how
> small?  For example, in wip/offlineimap, it's a 2-line fix.

There are no specific rules.  Certainly, there are things small enough
that putting it in wip doesn't make sense.

I find that when someone mails a patch, it is often more work because
there isn't a commit message with it, and sometimes it isn't quite
right.  By having things in wip, pkglint clean, with a COMMIT_MSG,
essentially all of the work can be done.  When it seems to me that wip
staging is the better approach -- which is usually -- I tend not to
engage with email patches.  That's just me -- if somebody else wants to
take email patches and commit them, that's totally fine and there is no
rule or guideline against it.

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