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Re: Specifying file names in SSH File Transfer Protocol

At 10:13 AM 3/8/2002, Markus Friedl wrote:
On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 10:10:40AM -0700, Dan O'Reilly wrote:
> that it's potentially overkill in this protocol, but you need the
> functionality.

even then
        int32   num_components
        string  component0
        string  componentn
wrapped into a string

would be simpler, and more like the rest of the protocol.

I agree.  I think that would work pretty well.

Next question: is there a need for a system identifier?  In our work here
for VMS, we would have found it useful to know something about the other
side of the transaction.  Specifically, if the system is UNIX, there's
exactly 1 file structure.  However, on VMS, there are multiple file
structures, so knowing the other side is VMS would be important.  I'm not
suggesting that be part of the above message, but perhaps something in the
initial message exchange could incorporate that functionality.

| Dan O'Reilly                  |                                       |
| Principal Engineer            |  "Why should I care about posterity?  |
| Process Software              |   What's posterity ever done for me?" |
|        |                    -- Groucho Marx    |

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