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Re: Please publish attached draft-ietf-secsh-break-01

> Kermit software has supported since the early 80s both a Short Break and 
> Long Break.  A break less than 300ms is short; a break greater than 
> 700ms is long.  These due have meanings for some modems and some 
> terminal servers.

Would it be reasonable to define a ``short break'' and a ``long
break'' command in the ssh protocol, and not worry about sending the
exact lengths of time?

If the client sends an exact number of miliseconds, and some devices
are pickier than others about the length of a break that they get, and
you end up with different clients that have different defaults,
keeping track of things and wondering why some people's clients send
breaks that work and other people's clients send breaks that don't
work is likely to get confusing.

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