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Re: New Version Notification for draft-green-secsh-ecc-07

I will clarify the language and URLs concerning the relevant documents before it goes to RFC. Thanks all.


On 2009-Jun-2, at 2:04 PM, der Mouse wrote:

Has anyone here tried to implement [draft-green-secsh-ecc]?
I'd like to, but it appears unimplementable without copies of X9.63
and IEEE1363, [...]
ANSI X9.63 and IEEE 1363 are listed as informative references only.
I believe that SEC 1, listed as a normative reference, contains all
information required to implement ECDH, ECDSA, and ECMQV; it is
freely available from the URL in the references.

Actually, it is not; it is at least two and I think three links removed
from the URL in the references.  (The shortest path I've found is -> "Documents" ->,docs_home -> "Released
Standards" ->,docs_secg -> "SEC1:
Elliptic Curve Cryptography version 2.0" ->

Is there something specific that you believe requires ANSI X9.63 or
IEEE 1363, or some wording that I should clarify?

That was the impression I was left with by the text

  Implementation of this specification requires familiarity with both
  SSH [RFC4251] [RFC4253] [RFC4250] and ECC [SEC1] [IEEE1363]

  This document is concerned with SSH implementation details;
  specification of the underlying cryptographic algorithms is left to
  other standards documents.

Rereading in light of what you said, I can see that it doesn't quite
say that X9.63 and 1363 are necessary; the wording of that section
might be improvable - perhaps a note in the second of those paragraphs
that [SEC1] is believed sufficient for implementation?

I'll try to get around to slogging through converting [SEC1] (which
appears to be provided only as another of those damned PDFs) into
something usable, and see what I can do with it.  (I've found software
that can mostly convert PDFs to text, but it's...well, it's got few
edges that _aren't_ rough, at the moment.)

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