Index of current-users for February, 2025

NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failure
Robert ElzRe: Automated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failure
Paul GoyetteRe: some hardware support questions
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build success
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Paul GoyetteRe: some hardware support questions
Michael van ElstRe: some hardware support questions
Paul GoyetteRe: some hardware support questions
Michael van ElstRe: some hardware support questions
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Paul GoyetteRe: some hardware support questions
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Paul GoyetteRe: some hardware support questions
Michael van ElstRe: some hardware support questions
Andrius VRe: some hardware support questions
Paul GoyetteRe: some hardware support questions
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Andrius VRe: some hardware support questions
git/hg src/xsrc feeds stuck
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failure
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build success
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Benny SiegertRe: git/hg src/xsrc feeds stuck
Re: git/hg src/xsrc feeds stuck
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Thomas Klausnerconflicting elf definitions in system headers
Martin HusemannRe: conflicting elf definitions in system headers
Joseph KoshyRe: conflicting elf definitions in system headers
Joseph KoshyRe: conflicting elf definitions in system headers
Thomas KlausnerRe: conflicting elf definitions in system headers
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Tom Ivar HelbekkmoUnreliable GPT detection
Martin HusemannRe: Unreliable GPT detection
Tom Ivar HelbekkmoRe: Unreliable GPT detection
Michael van ElstRe: Unreliable GPT detection
Michael van ElstRe: Unreliable GPT detection
Lorenzo TorresState of amdgpu driver
Tom Ivar HelbekkmoRe: Unreliable GPT detection
Vitaly ShevtsovRe: State of amdgpu driver
Robert SwindellsRe: State of amdgpu driver
Lorenzo TorresRe: State of amdgpu driver
Lloyd ParkesRe: State of amdgpu driver
Lorenzo TorresRe: State of amdgpu driver
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Greg A. Woodsfreetype build failing with "error: unknown type name 'Byte'"
Chavdar IvanovApparent blacklisting of e-mail addresses
Martin HusemannRe: Apparent blacklisting of e-mail addresses
Chavdar IvanovRe: Apparent blacklisting of e-mail addresses
ci4ic4Re: Apparent blacklisting of e-mail addresses
Greg A. WoodsRe: freetype build failing with "error: unknown type name 'Byte'"
Greg A. Woodsxsrc expat build as-a-tool fails on macos! (was: freetype build failing with "error: unknown type name 'Byte'")
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failure
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Robert ElzRe: Automated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failure
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build success
Robert ElzRe: xsrc expat build as-a-tool fails on macos! (was: freetype build failing with "error: unknown type name 'Byte'")
Tom LaneRe: xsrc expat build as-a-tool fails on macos! (was: freetype build failing with "error: unknown type name 'Byte'")
Greg A. WoodsRe: xsrc expat build as-a-tool fails on macos! (was: freetype build failing with "error: unknown type name 'Byte'")
Thomas Klausnergetmntinfo compatibility question
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Martin HusemannRe: getmntinfo compatibility question
Thomas KlausnerRe: getmntinfo compatibility question
RVPRe: getmntinfo compatibility question
Thomas KlausnerRe: getmntinfo compatibility question
Martin HusemannRe: getmntinfo compatibility question
Thomas KlausnerRe: getmntinfo compatibility question
Martin HusemannRe: getmntinfo compatibility question
Havard EidnesRe: getmntinfo compatibility question
Martin HusemannRe: getmntinfo compatibility question
Thomas KlausnerRe: getmntinfo compatibility question
Havard EidnesRe: getmntinfo compatibility question
Thomas KlausnerRe: getmntinfo compatibility question
Havard EidnesRe: getmntinfo compatibility question
Thomas KlausnerRe: getmntinfo compatibility question
matthew greenAMDGPU_CIK option (was: re: State of amdgpu driver)
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Lloyd ParkesRe: AMDGPU_CIK option (was: re: State of amdgpu driver)
Jeff FrascaRe: AMDGPU_CIK option (was: re: State of amdgpu driver)
Lloyd ParkesRe: AMDGPU_CIK option (was: re: State of amdgpu driver)
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
matthew greenre: AMDGPU_CIK option (was: re: State of amdgpu driver)
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
John NemethRe: isspace() behaviour
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Tom LaneRe: isspace() behaviour
Robert ElzRe: isspace() behaviour
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Thomas Klausnerpanic: trap when running qemu
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Martin HusemannRe: panic: trap when running qemu
Thomas KlausnerRe: panic: trap when running qemu
Martin HusemannRe: panic: trap when running qemu
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Thomas Klausnersocketpair buffer limits?
Greg TroxelRe: socketpair buffer limits?
pinRe: socketpair buffer limits?
Michael van ElstRe: socketpair buffer limits?
Michael van ElstRe: socketpair buffer limits?
RhialtoRe: socketpair buffer limits?
pinRe: socketpair buffer limits?
Greg TroxelRe: socketpair buffer limits?
Greg A. Woods"common" symbols are no longer common?!?!?!
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
pinRe: socketpair buffer limits?
Michael van ElstRe: "common" symbols are no longer common?!?!?!
Michael van ElstRe: socketpair buffer limits?
MouseRe: "common" symbols are no longer common?!?!?!
Valery UshakovRe: "common" symbols are no longer common?!?!?!
Thomas KlausnerRe: socketpair buffer limits?
David HollandRe: "common" symbols are no longer common?!?!?!
Greg A. WoodsRe: "common" symbols are no longer common?!?!?!
Lloyd ParkesRe: "common" symbols are no longer common?!?!?!
Paul RipkeEFI boot failing on new machine
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Paul RipkeRe: EFI boot failing on new machine
RVPRe: EFI boot failing on new machine
Paul RipkeRe: EFI boot failing on new machine
Greg A. Woodslibrumpnet* are incomplete (librumpnet_altq, for one, is missing)
Greg A. WoodsOOPS! wrong source tree! (I found librumpnet_altq!)
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failure
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build success
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failure
Greg A. Woodsparallel build failure with .c.o rule interrupted mid-step!
Greg A. WoodsRe: parallel build failure with .c.o rule interrupted mid-step!
Greg A. WoodsRe: parallel build failure with .c.o rule interrupted mid-step!
RVPRe: EFI boot failing on new machine
RVPRe: parallel build failure with .c.o rule interrupted mid-step!
Roland IlligRe: parallel build failure with .c.o rule interrupted mid-step!
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build success
Roland IlligRe: parallel build failure with .c.o rule interrupted mid-step!
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Paul RipkeRe: EFI boot failing on new machine
Havard Eidnes__gnu_{f2h,h2f}_ieee?
Martin HusemannRe: __gnu_{f2h,h2f}_ieee?
Jonathan A. KollaschRe: __gnu_{f2h,h2f}_ieee?
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failure
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build success
Greg A. WoodsRe: parallel build failure with .c.o rule interrupted mid-step!
RVPRe: parallel build failure with .c.o rule interrupted mid-step!
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failure
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build success
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failure
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build success
Greg A. Woodsrunning NetBSD under UTM (with QEMU) on macOS....
RVPRe: running NetBSD under UTM (with QEMU) on macOS....
Jan SchaumannRe: running NetBSD under UTM (with QEMU) on macOS....
Greg A. Woodsstatic linking vs. __attribute__((constructor)) et al
PHORe: running NetBSD under UTM (with QEMU) on macOS....
NetBSD source updatedaily CVS update output
Paul RipkeRe: EFI boot failing on new machine [SOLVED + PATCH]
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failure
NetBSD Test FixtureAutomated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build success
Patrick Welchearc4random abort
Patrick WelcheRe: arc4random abort
B HarderRe: arc4random abort