On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 8:52 AM, Marco Trillo
<marcotrillo%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:
I think it will be easier if you create an Apple partition table,
the pdisk(8) utility, and not a MBR table. Instead of a small MSDOS
partition you can create a small HFS partition (type Apple_HFS) from
which OF will be able to load the 'ofwboot.xcf' file.
(To format the HFS partition, and copy the 'ofwboot.xcf' file, you
either use the 'hfsutils' package (in pkgsrc as 'sysutils/hfsutils')
or Mac OS.)
That way, if you create your NetBSD partitions with the
Apple_UNIX_SVR2 partition type and set the "BZB bits" as asked by the
pdisk(8) tools there should be no need to create a disklabel
Eventually I will try this, but my goal right now is to try to get a
machine to install and boot with only an install CD and nothing else.
I don't want to have to do anything special in OSX or another NetBSD
machine to try to make it boot.
I just sent out another mail to the list.